As I wrote in the first part of this entry, David du Plessis was moved by the meeting in the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome Pentecost 1975, seeing thousands of people praying in tongues and prophecy of the contributors and listening to Pope Paul VI, who seemed to understand what this new Pentecost. It has the feeling that Smith Wigglesworth's prophecy is realized in his eyes. David gave up led by the Spirit of God and has contributed to the fact that the charismatic renewal swept the Protestant churches, and appeared in the Catholic Church.
However, looking at the time that has passed since 1975, is born in me question whether the Catholic Church took full blessing and gave to embrace this awakening, which was "Pentecostal revival outshine and outperform what the Pentecostal experience," as announced Smith Wigglesworth ? Does the Church followed the voice of the Lord spoken by the prophets ...?
Below is the last chapter of the book "Mister Pentecost," in which David du Plessis writes about the experience in the Basilica of St. Peter in 1975:
XXVII. Pentecost
"You would not believe it even the greatest optimist. Here we have gathered - twenty thousand men, half of them are charismatics - the Basilica of St. Peter's in Rome. Was Sunday of Pentecost.
Chorus soared higher and higher, until the dome of the cathedral. Ten of thousands of people filled with the Spirit sang. First, "Hallelujah", then "the Lord's", then "Hallelujah". Wave after wave of joyful, passion for singing rolled through this historic sanctuary.
We sang in different languages, also unknown. It was difficult to distinguish between languages, everything happened so spontaneously.
Then the big clock chimed the tenth and sought the pope on the litter.He had to greet the participants of the Congress of Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church in 1975, great colors, people's faces shone. No one with whom I spoke, he could not recall ever having the Pope greeted the congregation. People stood with upraised hands, sang and shouted the word common to all languages, "Hallelujah".This went on continuously. People sang and sang with joy, and yet with great respect. The atmosphere was full of expectations.
Pope Paul ascended the throne. His face shone with a smile. He's just like we all saw alive, visible proof of what God was doing in the Church of her Son, Jesus. Those of us who came as observers and invited guests, they realized that these are the witnesses of the next renewal, which the Lord sent down on your body.
The Pope began to speak. Latin was translated into several others, for all to understand. Even the biggest optimists were not prepared for such a Pentecostal message that gave the Pope. When people docierało translation, you could hear the quiet "Amen" from across the room.
- When we speak of Pentecost - he said - are born in us two kinds of feelings. The first is shaking - the feeling that the Bible is attributed to the prophet Jeremiah. He expressed his doubts, saying, "Ah, Lord God ... I can not speak." The second feeling is great enthusiasm, similar to the Petrine the day of Pentecost. The winner is the second sense, giving the Church the revelation of the truth about God, one in essence and three persons. Christ foretold: "I will ask the Father and he will give you another comforter, that will be with you always, the Spirit of truth." Subject and science of Pentecost is the mystery of the transcendent life of God. God himself offers us, and we can never forget that. Our eyes should be enlightened by God, who is our sun.
Except quiet "Amen", silence fell over the thousands of people.Devoured every word. It was more than a celebration, you know. It was one of the milestones on the road of the Church.
At the end of his homily, Pope Paul said:
- This is our announcement of Pentecost. This ad is giving new life inside, animated by the presence of God's power - the life that begins in love.
I felt the breath of love, which seized the Basilica of St. Peter. I saw that the few remaining indifferent to the touch of the Holy Spirit, those who have not been awakened to a fuller life.
During the Eucharist sounded quietly and softly singing in the Spirit.Held true Pentecostal worship from Pentecostal manifestations and blessing. We all prayed for a miracle of Pentecost, but no one expected until this - a new Pentecost.
Mass ended around noon. Then, spontaneously, thousands of people came to the square in front of the cathedral. Those who participated in the Mass, mingled with those who had already gathered in the square. Thousands of people shouting in all languages. And again the refrain for the chorus: "Hallelujah" as the waves of the sea. Joy filled our hearts.
On Monday, once again we find ourselves in the Basilica of St. Peter.Was made available to Congress participants charismatic.Approximately twelve thousand people from sixty countries gathered together with over seven hundred priests and twelve bishops and Cardinal Suenens from Belgium to the papal altar to celebrate the Eucharist last. Even compared to the previous day was the most extraordinary devotion. For the first time in many years - and for the first time in life present - Cardinal allowed to officiate Communion at the papal altar.
Cardinal Suenens, the leader of the Catholic charismatic renewal, spoke freely under the influence of inspiration. Crowds react in the freedom of the Spirit and singing. Truly a beautiful view was full of life and spirit of youthful members of the music ministry of the Word of God of Ann Arbor in Michigan working place of the famous Sistine choir.
Father John Patrick Bertolucci, wicekanlerz Diocese of Albany in New York, an important figure in the renewal of the U.S., as he later described this moment:
- Standing with arms raised in learning, Spirit-filled worship and adoration, we all felt the importance of this historic moment. The Roman Church adopted what so far aroused controversy - the current of God's grace in small communities Catholic.
During worship Communion could be noted that Cardinal Suenens was without a doubt particularly inspired by the Lord. Every word uttered in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was a ceremony full of life and freedom, as well as other Pentecostal community in which I found myself during the many years of my service in many churches.
Straight from the altar began to flow through the speakers prophecy.The eyes of thousands of people filled with tears when the Lord spoke the words to build and encouragement by his servants.
- The Lord's presence was so real in this meeting. I am sure that on that day there was a lot of healing - father later said Bertolucci mention this event.
When separated communion, the prophecy still ongoing, mingling with singing in the Spirit. A woman sang a beautiful solo in the Spirit.
At the end of the great eucharistic prayer steady crowds waiting for the entry of Pope Paul. This was to be the audience. The Pope suggested that he come to the Basilica and speak to the assembled instead of waiting for them in the audience hall.
When he arrived, he received louder welcome "Hallelujah" than on Sunday. With a smile he sat on his throne and spoke with enthusiasm the undoubted words of acceptance of the charismatic movement. He considered it a sign odnowieńczej work of the Holy Spirit in answer to prayer.
- Your strong desire to serve the Church testifies to the real action of the Holy Spirit - he said gently. - God became man in Jesus Christ, the mystical body of the Church. It is the Church, to whom the Holy Spirit has been entrusted to the day of Pentecost, when he came down on the Apostles gathered in the upper room on continuous prayer, together with Mary the mother of Jesus. As we said in November in the presence of some of you, the Church and the world needs more than ever to to the "miracle of Pentecost" continued.
I felt like the heart come up into my throat
- Modern man - continued the Pope - drugged his achievements believes in the words of the Second Vatican Council, that could be a "goal for himself, the creator of its history". Alas, how many people who continue in the tradition to believe in the existence of God and honor Him, knows Him in reality. God became a stranger to them.
The faces of all were turned toward the seated pope.
- Nothing is more necessary secularized world - he continued - than the testimony of "spiritual renewal", which we see as a result of the action of the Holy Spirit in different regions and at different ages.The symptoms of this awakening are different: deep spiritual community, intimate relationship with God, faith commitments adopted at the time of baptism, prayer, often in groups, where each expresses what I feel free, supports and confirms the prayers of others and what is the basis of personal conviction which has its source not only in teaching adopted faith, but also in the living experience. Such experiences testify to the fact that without God, man is unable to do anything, but with his help everything is possible.Hence the need for the worship of God, thanking Him for His miracles thank, which made us and in us.
It would be very valuable for our time, for our brothers, had sprouted a new generation, your generation, young people who would say to the world the glory and greatness of God Pentecost. Today - said loudly - we need to live their faith in devotion, depth, energy and joy - or faith expire.
"Yes - I thought. - This man understands Pentecost. He understands what is happening. "
The real moment of climax became the moment when the Pope paused, looked at us and exclaimed:
- Jesus is Lord. Hallelujah!
Sacred Heart trembling filled, the entire basilica. Tears mixed with joy. It was so exciting. We felt that we experienced a unique Pentecost.
That night I lay in bed, eyes open staring into the darkness and tried to understand what took place before my eyes. Is the end of Pentecostalism infiltrated the Catholic Church? I knew the answer to that question. It was not Pentecostalism, but Pentecost. They did not receive Pentecostalism and even they should not. Accepted Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, baptism in the Holy Spirit, the work of Jesus.
What the Lord Jesus going to do? I wondered. It was evident that prepares various denominations. I smiled: they were not only ecumenical Pentecost, but also economical. Churches already existed, prepaid, with educated clergy, the base allowed the rapid growth that we saw. I calculated that only two years Catholics carried the message of Pentecost to 92 countries. Yes, you want to move, shaking the nations first denominations.
That night I noticed a three currents in the Pentecostal movement: classical Pentecostals, neozielonoświątkowcy and Pentecostal Catholics. Increasingly these three groups approached each other working, building a community of mutual respect. Less and less was said about the history, cultural tradition and range of influence.Dominated the unity of the Holy Spirit.
"However, there are dangers - I thought. - But only one is significant.The risk that a group of people willing to make the charismatic renewal "movement" or "denomination" that they want to control. One was that there should be no such thing as a charismatic movement or denomination. Restoration is supposed to be directed at the impact of Churches. The spiritual influence. Jesus said, "Father, grant that they may be one as we are one". He compared the unity of the Church to the unity of the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are one thing, but at the same time remain individual. It is a spiritual unity.That Jesus wants for his Church.
- Glory! - I said loudly into the darkness turning to each other. - David, you are a true ecumenical!
- That's right - I said it. - Do not accept anything but full ecumenism - the whole family of nations.
I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep. In my imagination I saw standing before me as a living great man of God - Smith Wigglesworth. He had a stern expression. Gradually varied severity is calculated in full satisfaction smile. "