Sunday, November 24, 2013

Knee again

I wrote once about the prophecies spoken in the Basilica of St. Peter in 1975 , which concern the renewal of the Church. Re-reading the book "Mister Pentecost," that is the autobiography of David du Plessis, in the context of the abdication of Benedict XVI and the unclear circumstances inspired me to write this post.

Smith Wigglesworth in 1936 gave David du Plessis prophecy that God will use him in the wake, which will begin in historic churches, and that he sees the fulfillment of this prophecy, if you will be humble and faithful. In the last chapter of his autobiography, David writes that he participated in a meeting in ... Basilica of St. Peter in 1975 at the conclusion of the First International Congress of Charismatic Renewal and declares: "Straight from the altar began to flow through the speakers of prophecy. eyes of thousands of people filled with tears when the Lord spoke the words to build and encouragement by his servants."

Below the beginning of the story of David du Plessis, that the Spirit of God blows where it wants to, not only where, according to believers of different Christian denominations, "should" work:

"The bright, sunny morning 1936 years showed up in my office in Johannesburg well before seven. Wanted to open up and get as many letters arrive before other employees of the Apostolic Faith Mission. Did not come yet even the janitor. Using the recorder was responsible for preparing the list and desk busy day.

I was the secretary general of the mission of the most active in the Pentecostal movement, which has just experienced a period of full bloom. South Africa, like the rest of the world, was carrying out of the crisis, but about Hitler and Mussolini heard even a little. Nobody talked about the war. In our circles, held the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone believed that it will be soon.

Leaning over the desk I was completely engrossed in reading the letter, when suddenly the door burst open and there stood Smith Wigglesworth. I have not heard knocking, but smiled and said something, but I sensed immediately that no time for pleasantries.He stood in front of me, short, erect, full of tension and gravity. The uniformly gray suit this simple preacher looked like a retired politician - neatly combed hair and equally undercut mustache. He was approaching seventy. It felt to him like a youngster with my 31 years.That's why I was silent. He looked at me sternly, not even welcomed, but raised his right hand and pointed a finger toward me:

- Come! - Boomed. 

I remember wondering how this small man can utter such a sonorous voice. Without hesitation, I came out from behind the desk and approached him.

- I beg your pardon, brother Wigglesworth?

He put his hand on my shoulder, pushed me towards the wall - not violently, but firmly - and held. I did not know what to expect. I already had with him a lot to deal with. I visited him and his team in my home. Very zżyliśmy when I explained it during services. I saw how the Lord uses it to great preaching the word and healing. I always treated him with great respect, but at the moment it felt quite strange.

He looked me straight in the eyes. I had no choice, I had to look reciprocate. When he spoke, I knew that prophesies.

- The Lord has sent me to tell you what he showed me this morning - he said. - The historical churches begin awakening that darkened everything so far. Nothing had yet taken place in the past, as what now begin.

Not interrupting said quickly continued:
- Eclipse it today Pentecostal revival that puts the world in wonder and produces strong opposition in the churches history. But it soon becomes a blessing and their participation, and their message and survival outweigh what you have experienced Pentecostals. Live to see such times, when the Pentecostal movement in comparison to what God will do in the churches of historical, will be small. The huge assembly of people, which so far we have not seen. Great leaders change their attitude and adopt not only science, but also a blessing.

He paused for a moment, looking at me pałającym eyes:
- Then the Lord said to me that I have to warn you that you will use in this movement. You will play an important role. 

Again, a brief hesitation.
- The last word, which the Lord has given me for you, expects you only the humility and faithfulness, and you will see the fulfillment of this.

For the first time five minutes turned away and bowed his head:
- Sir, I forwarded your message about what you want to do in the life of this young man, and now, Lord, bless it, get ready, keep it in good health to make it all be fulfilled. Amen.

Not to mention a word took his hands from my shoulders, turned and left, closing the door quietly. I stood against the wall a few moments, stunned by what had happened, and especially his words. I wanted him to run, but gave up. For now, I had enough. "His way of life is quite strange" - I thought. I went back to the desk and sat down."Lord, I do not understand." But I knew that something important."Lord, it's all so mysterious and strange. I totally did not expect, but grant me the grace that I was faithful to you. Help me to remember, help me not to disappoint. "

I was dismayed. Wigglesworth's message shocked me. So very different from what they taught and what they believed Pentecostals.We prayed for God to do something, but it is not what we wanted.Preached the full gospel - the baptism in the Holy Spirit, Pentecost - but our message was: "Come out from among them and join us." We believe that the Pentecostal message is the last before the second coming of Christ and that God will no longer use the historical Churches. How could God have anything to do with them? From Reformed Church, Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics?

Suddenly someone knocked softly on the door. I think 10 minutes had elapsed.
- Please enter.

It was Wigglesworth. He walked as if for the first time, smiling and friendly.
- Good morning, brother David. How are you?
- I am surprised - I said.
- Why? - Asked innocently.
- You walk into the office, put me against the wall and prophesy. Then you come back and you act as if you saw me for the first time, and now you know why I'm surprised?
- The Lord said to the prophet: "Do not talk to anyone along the way," so I have not talked to anyone. When I got up in the morning, I did not say anything to your wife. I said nothing to anyone you meet on the way. Greeted not with you, but I gave the message. Now we can talk about it.

I looked at him dumbfounded. He explained that he had received a message in my house in the morning when he woke up before dawn.
- That's what you heard, it is a warning for you. I give you a clear picture of what I saw. Note: I did not hear it, but I saw in a vision. Do not have remembered everything, if it was not a vision. I've seen it all, and now you have the full picture.
- Even argued with the Lord - he smiled. - Not that my brothers had expected.

I could only nod. Certainly not what we expected. No one accepts.
- At times - he said - I did not know if this is a dream or reality. It seemed like a dream. But it felt good and I was relaxed. Then I realized that the Lord spoke to me. In the end, he said: "You have to tell David to warn him, he will play a big role in this."

I was stunned. I think I saw it, I asked:
- Got it?
- Yes, I understand - I said. - But you have to understand me. I can not accept everything that you said. If this comes true and I have to be involved in this, the Lord himself will have to tell me.

Without batting an answer:
- You speak wisely. Do not act on the basis of what I say or anyone else. Mr.'ll tell you. But now he wants you to have a warning. Because it will be for sure. He will prepare you in the Spirit. " cdn.
Two years ago I wrote about a healed knee . A few days ago I got a mail from my friend who is trying to live the Word of God. Here are its contents:
"I was just in Alfie with Ania and I saw a girl who was walking on crutches. Her knee stabilizer. Approached and asked what happened, and she replied that it sports injury. Asked if I could take a while, and now I propose that I pray for her, and she interrupted me: Aaaah probably you from insurance?  : D, and I said: Nooo ... not really : P. I told her what was going on - I want to pray for her, Paulina - I learned that it has a name - agreed :). put my hands on her knees, prayed in the Name of Jesus, and asked him to move his knee and walked without crutches ... She did so and found that the knee at all now it does not hurt :). talked for a while and tested again her knee. Paulina was completely healed :) "

To those who believe these signs shall follow: in my name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; serpents they shall take up arms, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them. Lay hands on the sick will, and they will recover. After speaking with them, the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. (Mk 16,17-20)  

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